3″ binders and 6 C.D.s usually signify a lack of useful content. We desperately want complexity and fancy stuff to solve our business problems. Good luck with that. We use something like 1-2% of all the features on our software. We love to respond to offers to build big business plans and three-day workshops on the 57 things you need to implement for a successful marketing program. And we spend months analyzing opportunities to death while other people a...
Simple kicks butt every time.
Simple kicks butt every time.
Simple kicks butt every time.
3″ binders and 6 C.D.s usually signify a lack of useful content. We desperately want complexity and fancy stuff to solve our business problems. Good luck with that. We use something like 1-2% of all the features on our software. We love to respond to offers to build big business plans and three-day workshops on the 57 things you need to implement for a successful marketing program. And we spend months analyzing opportunities to death while other people a...