It’s a simple equation, No traffic = no sales.

Doesn’t matter if your store is a bricks and mortar one or a digital one the equation is the same.
If no-one visits you cannot make sales.
Fortunately, an online store has very low overheads and can survive for long periods with no activity, that doesn’t make them profitable.
Also fortunately, getting people to visit your digital store is ridiculously easy.
“No it’s not”, I hear you shout, but I ignore you because all that means is that you don’t know how to get all the traffic you want.
This post will change that.
Starting with the myth about free traffic vs paid traffic.
Guess what? Free traffic is often slow and not free of work, lots of work on a consistent basis.
Paid traffic is fast, as quick as a few minutes, can be scaled to suit your budget and can be turned on or off at will.
OK. How to get targeted free traffic without busting your poofer valve.
There are several platforms that you can take advantage of to get your targeted traffic.
Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and Linkdin are the big ones.
With any of them you’ll need to post at least daily to build up a following.
You’ll also have to interact with other people on those platforms in whatever way it works such as friending, liking, following, commenting etc.
This will still take a little time to build up your following and you’ll probably need something approaching 5 - 10,000 in your personal audience before you can expect to begin generating any income.
The other way of generating ongoing traffic to your website or sales page is by pasting your RSS link to RSS aggregator sites. When you do this you’ll get backlinks to every new post to publish.
Why do you care about backlinks?
Well, backlinks are how the Internet works.
The search engines use backlinks to decide, in part, how popular your site is and where it should rank in their results pages.
The other benefit is that people follow those links and end up on your site.
Some of your RSS links will end up on other people’s sites and you’ll get traffic and search engine love from those as well.
If you want to find out where to find RAA aggregators you should follow this link and you will get a list of them that I know are current, because I checked a few months ago, the Internet is dynamic so things may have changed.
If you follow the rest of that funnel you’ll get access to more places to get backlinks from and training on how to use them to best effect.
You will have to track all the links somehow, and use that data to split-test and tweak your pages until you get the results you want.
Now to paid traffic.
Again, there are a multitude of places to get paid traffic from.
It’s not just Google, Bing, YouTube, Facebook, and the other commonly thought of paid sources.
They are all good of course but they can get very expensive, particularly when you bid on high traffic keywords and you still have to do the tracking, testing and tweaking until the funnel is profitable.
One source of paid traffic that has a consistent cost is solo ads.
You know that the money is in the list right?
Well, solo ads are using someone else’s list. You pay for the clicks your ad to their list gets, usually a number that is pre-established.
I usually start testing a new vendor with 100 clicks.
However, there are some challenges with using these.
Not all vendors are honest. Shock, horror, WTF?
If you go here you can get a free PDF that lists the Five Fatal Solo Ad Mistakes.
If you follow the funnel through you can also get some seriously good Solo ad training from one of the more successful users and vendors of solo ads.
When you comment on this post or email me I’ll give you a PDF with 100 sources of PPC type advertising. Yes, that is a bribe.
P.S. If/when you contact me either via a comment or an email I might just share with you another super underground source of quality paid traffic.
If you ask nicely.